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The ask

Create a fast-food brand that could compete with industry leaders.

The insight

Low-income families in the US use a higher percentage of their income on fast-food than other consumers. They tend to go for high-calorie, low-cost meals, and that typically means eating foods that are high in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. 

The human truth

Everybody wants to eat well, but nobody wants to give up the food they love.

The solution

Put a healthy and sustainable twist on traditional fast food for an affordable and feel-good experience. The feel of the brand is retro, playful, cute, energized, and joyful. 


About the brand

Fast food is a convenient option for families, college students, road-trippers, and truly anyone craving a cheap meal, fast. However, with an American obesity rate at 37.9% in men and 41.1% in women, and low-income POC being at the highest risk of any demographic, it’s clear there’s something that Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders aren’t telling us. 

Low-income families generally lack access to other -- healthier -- food options and tend to spend a higher percentage of their income on fast food than families in higher tax brackets. The foods they gravitate toward are low-cost and calorie-rich like ground beef, legumes, and potatoes. 

Big Bean meets these people where they are, supplying the foods they're used to eating while offering better macronutrient distribution, lower cholesterol, and lower sodium foods. That's what we call "feel-good food."

Top it off with neo-retro flair inspired by 1960s fast-food branding, a color palette that reflects both the playful nature of fast food and the healthful nature of the brand, plus an adorable mascot, and you've got Big Bean.

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